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A Summer of Travel ... And Studying

What will I be doing this summer? As a former travel addict (well to be honest, it's still going strong), I am used to traveling as much as possible over the summer, and last summer was pretty mild since I was tasked with moving, finding an apartment, and studying Finnish. But this summer does not involve any moving!! So what will I be doing? Traveling of course!

Dubrovnik, Croatia
My first priority this summer is studying, and what I mean by studying is reading until I can't read anymore! With my thesis due in less than a year, I have all summer to read and gather sources before the writing process begins. But this means reading almost 60 books and 55 journal articles along with watching testimonies of survivors and sorting through old newspapers. This alone makes it a very busy summer for me. But I have to add some fun in there, right?

Tallinn, Estonia
So I will be taking two trips this summer. My first trip will consist of going to Sofia, Bucharest, Budapest, Bratislava, Vienna, and Ljubljana. Since I am writing my thesis on the Romanian Holocaust, I decided that I really needed to go to Romania, and apparently its neighboring countries, in order to really understand the history. And I am really looking forward to this new adventure.

Prague, Czech Republic
My second trip will be a quick trip to Riga and Vilnius. They're just across the water from Helsinki, so I figured why not. And their history seems very interesting to me, so I had to check it out. Between these two trips, I will be adding a total of 6 new countries to my list, which means I will be at 31 countries by mid-August! I never thought I would see this much when I began my travels!

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