The Struggle of Living in the Dark in Finland


Winter in Finland: When You Don't See the Sun for Months

I love living in Finland. There are so many benefits to living in this wonderful country. But the major downside is living in the dark for half of the year. When the sun rises at 9 and sets at 3, you barely get any hours of daylight. Then add the fact that it is always cloudy and you're not actually getting any sun. So going from a sunny country to Finland is a big change. But it is manageable if you can figure out some strategies that work for you. 

Get Outside

The best advice is to get outside. A little bit of fresh air goes a long way when there is never any sun. If you can get outside during daylight hours, even better. But the fresh air really helps whether it is light or dark. Many Finns take up activities that keep them active and happy during the winter months. So find something that you enjoy. 

Invest in Lighting

Sometimes getting outside when there is light out is practically impossible when you have work keeping you at your desk during those precious hours of daylight. So instead invest in a lot of good lighting for your home. Buy one of those sunlight lamps so that you get the rays you need but also keep your home well light so that it still feels like its daytime. 


A lot of people actually stay indoors during the winter and come alive during the summer. While this might not always be the healthiest of methods, it is one that works for people. So if you can't stand the cold, bundle yourself up indoors and prepare yourself for a very busy and active summer.

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