How Travel Made Me a Strong Independent Woman


Becoming A Strong Independent Woman Thanks to Travel and Changing for the Better

Before I began my travels, I was unsure of my place in this world. I was dependent on the people around me for my happiness and for my success. I have always been driven to succeed and dow well, but it was always in order to prove myself to others. I also never had any experiences outside of school where I had to handle things on my own. So before travel, I was a shy, timid, quiet woman who was still finding their place in the world. But all of that changed very fast the day I began traveling.

More Confident

Now that I have had to live in on my own in two new countries, that I have had to navigate through new countries for travel, work, and life, I have realized that I can do things. And that has made me more confident. I have succeeded in getting into a really good Master's program that has taught me a lot. I have made lifetime friendships and found love. I have discovered new countries and cities that I never thought that I would have ever seen. Knowing this has changed my mindset. While I still don't know what I am fully capable of, I now am more confident of the abilities that I do know. All thanks to me taking a big risk and hoping for the best. 

A Problem Solver

Trying to figure out public transportation in a foreign country or learning about moving to another country has made me much smarter. I have always been good with puzzles, but traveling alone in foreign countries has made me much more aware of how the world works and how to navigate life when you barely know the culture. Now I know how to do all of this in many different countries, which makes me much more confident about starting a new job or starting a new life somewhere. I know that I have figured it out before and I can figure it out again. 

Empathy is Key

Meeting new people around the world has made me much more aware of their situations and just how much the world affects us. I have always been empathetic and aware of conditions of people that I have encountered, but travel has augmented this. Now I constantly consider all the other perspectives in a situation and it has made me more aware and more vocal about human rights and activism. Now it is impossible for me to ignore the news and ignore my privilege because I have met people of all different backgrounds. I still believe that there is good in this world and travel has just strengthened that. 

I Have A Voice

Maybe it is my Master's program or maybe it is because I am more aware of the situation in the world, but I have learned that I have a voice. Before I thought I was one person, what could one person do. But now I know that one person can do so much. That I have a voice and that I must use my voice to effect change and to advocate for myself and others. I have learned that I can stand up for myself and that I must stand up for others. And this has been the best lesson and an essential part of being a strong and independent woman. I have learned that people listen to your stories when you travel and they are interested in your studies, and through that I have learned that my voice matters. 

A Strong Independent Woman

Thanks to travel, I know that I can survive on my own and figure things out on my own. I am no longer dependent on people for happiness. Everyone in my life is no longer a need but a want. I don't need relationships to be happy, but I want to have certain people in my life. This has been key to understanding that through all the ebbs and flows in life, I will be ok because I am a strong independent woman. This has also made all my relationships so much healthier because I no longer have the need to stay around toxic friendships and now I am choosing to have love in my life and have made room for those people. And this makes me incredibly happy. So travel has made me realize my self worth and I will forever be grateful for that. 

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