Walking on Ice


Walking on Ice: Kinda Like Walking on Sunshine

In Finland, Finns love walking on the ice for some reason. As soon as the water freezes, they are all outside going for walks and seeing how far they can go. They're either taking shortcuts not available in the summer time or they are exploring new parts they can't during the year. So of course, when in Finland, do as the Finns do. 

I hesitantly tried walking on ice one day when I saw so many people out walking their dogs or playing on the ice. It was strange at first and any noise made me jump, but it was also incredible. Walking on ice is kinda like a Jesus moment where you're walking on water when you know you shouldn't be. But you do it anyway and it feels like a miracle.

Since then in the winter I try to walk on ice. I'm still very nervous about it, but I also enjoy it because I know that it is not very often in my life that I get to do it. So I try to explore new places when the ice is frozen solid and the temperature is freezing.

The key to walking on ice is to do what they locals are doing. Walk on the paths that people have pathed and do it when it is really cold outside. Also, avoid thin ice at all costs and if you are nervous, do it in protected areas where if you fall in, you don't fall in too deep or get swept away by the current. 

My absolute favorite walk on the ice was when the sun was setting one day. It gave for this amazing view that was unobstructed by the surrounding buildings and the brilliant colors reflected so beautifully off the ice. It just makes the experience that much more magical. 

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