Do's and Don'ts: How to be Travel Ready


How to Master the Art of Packing Under Pressure by Being Travel Ready

I've never been a last minute person, until this year. I've never known how not to be a control freak, until this year. And I've never considered myself to be a fast packer, until this year. Now I'm booking trips just a week in advance and packing just a few hours in advance. Part of the reason is that I procrastinate, and part of the reason is that I just don't have enough time. So I've learned to be travel ready. I never forget anything with my method and I never spend more than ten minutes packing, although that's still too long in my book. So here are some tips on always being ready for travel without even trying.


Don't unpack everything from your last trip. Of course take to the dirty clothes, it'd be nasty if you don't. But do you need to take out your travel brush, pillow, or whatever accessories you only use for travel? No. So only take out the items that you need to clean, replenish, or use on a daily basis. Other than that, you don't need to worry about repacking because you are already partially packed.


Keep all of your travel items together. I have specific items that I travel with, including a purse. So when I'm not using them, I put them all in my travel backpack. That way when I go to pack again, I know where everything is and I won't forget anything because it is already all right there. And I always store them in the same place so that way I don't have to worry about misplacing something.


Don't forget to print your information as soon as you book it. I always print my tickets, my confirmation, and directions immediately after booking it so that I am not rushing last minute the day before trying to print everything.


Replenish items when you get back from a trip, not before one. Usually I have more time after a trip than before a trip. So instead of rushing around and hoping that I have enough shampoo left for the trip that I would be taking in a few hours, I fill up all my travel bottles while unpacking. That way I know that all my toiletries are ready before I even consider my next trip. And I always make sure that I have toiletries specific for travel, that way I never really have to pack and unpack then repack again toothbrushes, hair brushes, and q-tips. Its always there.

Instead of searching for everything like these small items
I keep them in pouches


Don't overlook packing cubes or other organizational pouches. I have specific pouches for different things. I keep all electronics, like chargers in one pouch. I leave that pouch on top of my backpack until everything is in it, then I pack it away. I have a pouch for non-liquid toiletry items, and I keep reusing the same plastic bag for the liquids. And I have a pouch for all the items that I keep in my purse that I switch between my every day purse and my travel purse. Since everything has a place I never forget anything. And this way I save space without forgetting things.


Leave pouches outside of your luggage if they don't have everything in them. If I don't have all the items for one part of my backpack, I pile it right next to it so that I remember that I'm not done. This is usually the case with chargers since I use them overnight and just add them in the morning. This helps so that I don't have to do a mental checklist, everything already there to remind me.


Don't worry about anything except for clothes. Since most of my things are usually packed and ready to go, all that I need to do is figure out the clothes. But since I know that I am traveling a few days in advance, I leave clothes aside so that I have enough for my trip. I always bring an extra pair of underwear, pants, and socks because I have learned that it gets wet very easily here and you never know when you may need a change of dry clothes. Other than that I don't worry about overpacking everything just in case.


Look back on trips and see what you needed and what you didn't need. Now I keep a small nail file with me when I travel but ditched the nail clippers. I also stopped bringing my portable fan but may bring it again when it gets hot. Think about the items that you don't use and take them out of your pouches to save some space.

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