Finding the Balance


Forcing Myself to Slow Down

I love traveling by myself because I can go at my own pace. And that pace is like running a 5k, you want to go fast, but not a full on sprint. I have obscure lists of things to see and do, I refuse to take public transportation so that I can see more of the city, and I sometimes forget to eat. With others it's fun, but its not always the pace that I want to go at. I'm not saying that others slow me down in a negative way. But I know that we're all different and not everyone goes at the same pace. So in preparation for one hell of a summer, I am trying to learn how to find the balance. I'm learning to go at a decent pace while still stopping to smell the roses.

Starting now, I have a few hectic months ahead of me. And when things get hectic, I get burnt out. So I need to make sure to learn how to find the balance. And while my cousin made me cry in Disneyland because we did too much, I don't intend on paying her back.

So what do my usual breakneck travels look like? My travels usually involve an 8am flight from Paris (which means I have to leave my apartment by 6am at the latest). Once landed, I throw my bag in the hotel and set off to go explore. I don't come back until the sun goes out. Most likely I walked all over the city, only using public transportation for long distances. I probably didn't eat lunch because I got caught up in a museum. Then the next day I will usually leave the hotel around 9am to get my day started again, repeating the same methods as the day before. For a weekend I can do it, but for 6 weeks straight, I don't think that will be so good!

I may need to cool it on the war museums this summer
Polish Military Museum, Warsaw
So here are some goals for myself:

  • break my list into must sees and might sees to make my to do list a little more manageable
  • take 10am flights to get a little more rest
  • eat a snack in a park to actually eat and take a break
  • have a lazy day to recover from days of traveling
  • give my legs a break and take public transportation

I know that travel is not about seeing as many things as possible. And when I travel, I don't always see and do all the things recommended in the guidebooks. But I do go in with their random list of sights and activities that interest me. And the problem is that a lot of things interest me. And then when I get there I see flyers or find out about more things and my list expands! When it comes to travel, I just can't say no, which is probably how my cousin and my Euro trip has evolved into this beast of a trip. I just couldn't say no to any suggestion! So I promise to try and find the balance. 

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