Place des Vosges: A History


Place des Vosges: Built for Royalty

The Marais is one of the most interesting neighborhoods in Paris. Its history and riches have offered some beautiful buildings to Paris, one of them being Place des Vosges. The square has stood the test of time. It began as a famous square, built for royalty, and today it is still famous, though now for its beauty and its central location to a great neighborhood. So here is a little bit of its history.

Oldest Square in Paris

Built in the 1600s for a royal wedding between Louis XIII and Anne of Austria, Place des Vosges has been a focal point for many centuries. It was built in the place where Henri II died at a tournament. Henri IV and Catherine de Medici lived here after it was inaugurated, but Catherine de Medici moved after Henri IV's death.

Place des Vosges

Famous Residents

While many royals have had something to do with this square, the most famous person to inhabit Place des Vosges is Victor Hugo. You can even visit his house on Place des Vosges since it is a museum today. Other famous residents have been Sully, a great minister to Henri IV, and Cardinal Richelieu.

Named in 1800

Finally, in 1800, Place des Vosges became the official name of the square, named after the French department of Vosges. Before this it was known as the Place Royale because of all the royalty inhabiting the area. But with the revolution, royalty was gone and a new name was installed.

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