One Week Left in the US


It's the Final Countdown!

Insert symphasizers and dramatic drums and you have the 80s song that pops into my head whenever I think of countdowns. But to make the idea even more amusing is that the band is called Europe, which is where I will be in one week! This song seems to be narrating my life as I struggled to get everything done, like packing. I officially hate packing! Goodbye Morgan Freeman and Sassy Muses from Hercules, Europe's The Final Countdown seems most appropriate for narrating my life now. [For those of you too old or too young to know what this song is, I've added the link.]

One week left means that I have one week to say goodbye to everyone, one week to finish all the things that I have procrastinated doing, and one week for it to finally sink it, if that ever happens. I've said goodbye to my car, done a packing trial one, fit in one last vacation, and enjoyed one of my favorite holidays.

This adventure is probably the hardest thing that I will have done in my life so far and probably the most rewarding, aside from teaching. That's its own adventure in itself. So in this last week, I am going to try to enjoy all things 'Merica as I say hello to Europe in the final countdown.

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