10 Best Things to Buy at the Paris Christmas Market


A Parisan Christmas Market: The Best Way to Eat Your Way Through the Champs Elysées

Since the end of November, the Champs Elysées has hosted a Christmas market. And while many say that this market doesn't even compare to those of Germany, or even the western part of France, I still find it a nice change of pace and a great place to go for food and interesting gift items.

10. Unique Gifts: if you want to get someone something from Paris but is not tourist shop tacky, the christmas market offers a lot of unique items that are classy and sometimes reasonably priced. Christmas ornaments, cute hats, or jewelry. The place has got some options.

9. Chocolate: Christmas season is chocolate season. And of course there are plenty of options to spoil yourself with some chocolate or to buy some gifts for someone.

8. Churos: or as they call them here, chi chis. Not very french, but a nice deep fried warm item that reminds me of the fairs that happen over the summer. Maybe this option is better for expats than it is for tourists. Either way they're good enough to make the list.

7. Cheap Jewelry: no I'm not talking about stick on earnings, I'm talking about reasonably priced and good looking accessories. Good thing I keep a tight budget because I would be blowing money here all the time.

6. Hot Wine: I know, this sounds weird to people who have never heard of hot wine, but it's actually pretty good, and very popular. It's loaded with spices and is a good way to warm up. So if you like cinnamon, its a great option.

Freshly Made Waffles with Jam
5. Sauerkraut: I've already talked about how sauerkraut is a pleasant surprise. So the best place to go in the winter is the Christmas market, rather than the prepackaged stuff at the store.

4. Crêpes: everywhere you go in Paris, you will find cêepes. The same goes for the Christmas market. You don't have to walk far. And most of the time they are some pretty good ones.

3. Waffles: another thing that you don't have to travel far to get in the Christmas market are waffles, also knowns as gaufres. You can add almost any topping, and if you find the right stall, they're made fresh.

2. Saucisson: dried salami, also known as saucisson, are in abundance at the Christmas market and come from many regions of France. They are the best priced saucisson that I've seen, so if you like them, take advantage of the market.

1. Sausages Galore: they have so many different options that it's impossible to try them all. From Strasbourg sausages to merguez, the market has something for everyone. And don't forget the fries or the sauerkraut that comes with it all.

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