10 Great Things to Do in Cork


Cork: A Charming Irish Town

Cork is an excellent city to visit in Ireland because it is a great location to stay overnight while making plenty of day trips throughout the region. Though make sure to spend a day checking out this city as it offers a variety of different sights and things to do. But make sure to make the most out of your Irish vacation and see as much history and culture in the region as possible. So here are some great things to do while staying in Cork.

Rock of Cashel

10. Cork City Gaol: Ireland must have a thing for their jails, because similar to the one in Dublin, Cork allows visitors to visit this iconic, and strangely beautiful jail. Today it houses a museum and is a top choice for many travelers.

9. Walk the streets of the city center: the city of Cork is very charming, and with small pots of flowers lining the streets of the city center, it is nice to walk around the city, check out the historic sites while also admiring the shop windows.

Streets of Cork

8. Red Abbey: this abbey is known for its reddish-colored rock. Though tiny, it is its minimalist style that adds to its beauty. And it is Cork's oldest building and today is the city's bell tower. So look here for some beautiful sounds throughout the day.

7. English Market: this charming little covered market offers a variety of different goods and products. This award-winning market is a great place to check out local foods and appreciate Irish cuisine.

Saint Fin Barre's Cathedral

6. Saint Fin Barre's Cathedral: this beautiful gothic cathedral within the city center is right near the river, offering a beautiful, secluded view of nature and old architecture.

5. Fitzgerald Park: this charming park a bit away from the city center offers a relaxing space within the charming little city. With rolling green grass and some shady nooks, this is the perfect place for a picnic or an afternoon stroll.

Blarney Castle

4. Blackrock Castle: while this castle is not within the city, it is beautiful and also an observatory. So while the old castle is beautiful during the day, it offers some stunning views on a clear night.

3. Visit the Kinsale Towns and Cliffs: with Cork's great location, taking a day trip to the coast to see the charming small seaside, or cliff side, towns is a great idea. In the summer these rolling green hills and the sea offer some beautiful views. Just imagine the sunset!

National Monument in Cork

2. Rock of Cashel: almost an hour away from the city, but completely worth the trip, is the Rock of Cashel. This ancient castle is barely standing today, meaning that you get this beautiful blend of green grass and grey, old abbey and castle. Head down the hill to check out Hore Abbey, and stop by the town for a quick stroll and bite to eat.

Rock of Cashel

1. Blarney Castle: although not within the city, just a short bus trip away is the Blarney Castle which is famous for the Blarney Stone. The story goes that if you kiss it upside down you are given the gift of eloquence. If you don't need eloquence as much as I do, there are beautiful gardens on the castle grounds or you can explore the charming little city of Blarney.

Blarney Castle

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  1. This list is brilliant. I'm bookmarking it for 2018, as I might head there mid-next year. I particularly love Blarney Castle and Red Abbey. Cheers!!

    1. Yes they were beautiful! Loved the countryside!

  2. This is exactly what I imagine when I think of Ireland.. Beautiful stone buildings, haunting grave yards, green grass... I went to Carlow recently to visit family, so I would love to go back and do some touring around the country.

    1. Same here! Rolling green hills is what I thought of and I wasn't disappointed!

  3. Cork looks so pretty, and feels very ancient, I'm not sure why! I love old gothic architectural churches, so this one would be on my list to visit. Kissing the Blarney Stone is a must, I'm sure there must have been so many people there!

  4. Quite a lot of things to do! Looks so beautiful too, I'll have to go there sometime!

  5. I would love to go to Ireland someday! I love your pictures of Cork. I like to explore old cathedrals, so I think I would really like my visit here! https://www.lovelaughterandluggage.com

  6. I had always planned on spending all my time i nIreland in Dublin. However, your post has made me want to visit Cork. I would love to stay in one of these castle..and feel like a princess.

  7. I really wanted to visit Cork when I was in London. I read about the place and how gorgeous it is! Esp the Rock of Cashel and the Castles look gorgeous. Ryanair had some ridiculously low priced tickets. But somehow either the onwards or return ticket worked out too costly or for both to be cheap, the stay turned out to be a week or so. So ended up never going to Cork!


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