Do's and Don'ts: Finding an Apartment in Paris


How to Find and Apartment in Paris

Finding an apartment in Paris is like playing a game of chance. Unless you have money, then maybe you don't have to worry so much. But for us people that live on a student budget, finding an apartment in Paris means you have to make a lot of compromises and hope for luck. 


Don't assume that just emailing a person means that you are the top of the waiting list, or the visiting list. Many landlords check their email randomly and don't get back to you right away and it's not always in the order of those who emailed. 


Do call the landlord if a number is advertised. If you sent an email, say so. Don't rely on email because it might as well be snail mail. Instead call them and be persistent. "Hello I saw your ad and would like to visit the apartment as soon as possible." And make sure to leave a voicemail.


Don't show up without any documents. They want to know right then and there if you are a candidate for the apartment. It will speed up the process and prove that you are serious about the offer. 


Do have a dossier. It is a folder of basically all your legal documents. Identification, latest taxes, salary, and someone to act as a guarantee on your behalf unless you are making three times your monthly rent are a must. Having these on hand at visits will help with getting that apartment.

If you have a view like this, it might be expensive
Sacre Coeur


Don't take your time to make a decision. Time is money, so the landlords will choose the person that is willing to take it first. I found a great apartment but I took my time thinking about one tiny detail. By the time I said yes it was already rented out.


Do know that you may have to make a decision on the spot. I chose my apartment on the spot even though I had other meetings lined up. The reason why was because I knew that I was first in line for my apartment and fifth for the next one. If it matches your criteria and you get a good vibe, don't be afraid.


Just randomly look around. Know what you want in your apartment, like a separate bathroom, an oven, not rez de chaussée (first floor). By knowing these things you can make a decision on the spot easier. Also have key questions that you want to ask the landlord, like who do I call when I have a problem, what's included in the rent, and how do you want me to pay every month? 


Do some research about the area. Know which areas are areas that you would want to live in. Know that there are some not so nice areas in the 17, 18, and 19 arrondissements. Also know that anything in the arrondissements 1 through 8 are very expensive. 


Don't hope that one will just fall into your lap. Looking for apartments is almost like a full time job. You need to decide what you're looking for and find a variety of different outlets for that. Look online every day. Ask people in the area if they know of anything. 


Do know if you want to use an agency or look privately. Agencies are good because they provide more security but they are so expensive. Private research is cheaper but you need to know which ones are scams (500€ on Ile Saint Louis is a scam).

Finding an apartment in Paris is possible, but you really need to know where to look. Here are some links to websites that I found useful during my search. for apartment rentals through agencies for apartment rentals without agencies for apartment rentals in English (but as good of a resource) for apartment rentals without agencies

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