Coming Home


Coming Home: Not as Easy as it Sounds

Well my return ticket has finally been booked. And while I'm flying in upper class, I can't help but feel weird knowing that there's an expiration date on my adventure. I guess I've been living in dream world too long and need to face reality. It's a weird feeling knowing that you're done. Did I accomplish all that I wanted? Did I see everything that I wanted? Am I the same person I was a year ago? I'm starting to think that coming home is going to be a bitter sweet adventure in itself. 

It's funny, when I was a teenager, all I wanted to do is grow up. I couldn't wait to be on my own, to support myself, to work. But now I've turned into Peter Pan. I don't want to grow up. I don't want to have a "normal" job. I don't want to be tied down too long. I don't want to not travel. So how do l keep this dream alive?

But that's not to say that I won't be getting as much travel in before hand. From my week in Eastern Europe in April and my summer adventures, I will get to see a lot more of Europe. But I can't help but feel almost claustrophobic. I want to go back to the US, I want to see my family, I want to see more of the world, so why do I feel this way? Maybe I'm just nervous of falling back into old habits and not seeking out adventure. Or maybe it's because I'm trying to prolong being a teacher as long as possible.  Can I live off a travel blogger salary? Could I write a book? Suddenly the peace corps is looking more and more of a realistic option. I guess anything to avoid growing up, right? 

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