The Holiday Season


Getting in the Holiday Spirit

The lights are up, the Christmas markets are busy, and it's cold, so it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas. I made it through Thanksgiving, partially because I forgot it was Thanksgiving. And now it's almost time to celebrate Christmas. So what's getting me in the holiday spirit? The excitement of travel and experiencing Christmas in France.

It's weird to think I've made it this far and have shown no signs of slowing down anytime soon. I honestly think that I wouldn't make it past October. So much for being an optimist, right? I didn't think I'd find an apartment, let alone a job. I didn't think I'd make friends or like traveling by myself, and I proved me wrong again. And I surely didn't think I would make it this long because I thought I would get too homesick. But as the holidays draw nearer, I am nowhere near being as homesick as I thought. Maybe it's because I know that I'll return in August. And maybe it's because the way the French celebrate the holidays is so exciting. And that I have some pretty amazing trips coming up. And that I get to see my mom in February. And my dad hopefully in April. And my cousin in June. And that I'm having a great time connecting with my French family. Yes I have so much to be thankful for that spending Christmas away from my parents and brother seems to not even be a speed bump at the moment. Maybe that's the trick to battling holiday season homesickness, fill your time doing so many great things that you're too excited to even remember it's the holidays. 

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