Valentine's Day


Spending Valentine's Day as a Travel Addict

I'm starting to think that I have a little tradition when it comes to Valentine's Day. And instead of staying home and eating ice cream and watching romantic movies I get on planes. Instead of having singles night with friends I am exploring new cities. And while I enjoy the company of my friends, I can't seem to keep my feet planted in the same area for too long.

Last year I took my first solo adventure on Valentine's Day. I flew to Italy, by myself, where I saw Florence and Rome in an effort to decide which city I would want to live in. And while I was surrounded by couples desperately making out, I was too busy trying to see some history to even realize that it was Valentine's Day. But the nice part about this year is that I won't be silently singing "All By Myself" because I will have my mom with me. And we're going to Warsaw! That's right, a nice cold trip filled with a lot of museums about really depressing things, like communism and the Holocaust. I'm excited! Clearly my mom loves me! And then we'll finish our mother daughter trip in London, me staying a few more days after she leaves. So I guess I have this tradition of traveling for the romantic day, but I never actually plan for it to happen on Valentine's Day. It just sort of happens. So who knows what next year will be like, but I don't see myself staying put. 

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